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How do I enrol in Treetop Arts Classes?

  • Check out the timetable and choose the class that is right for you

  • First time at Treetop arts? Book a free trial

  • Email and ask to be booked in for a trail lesson or to book in for the term

  • Our admin team will complete the booking and send you an invoice

  • Pay the invoice and your child spot in class will be secured

  • One lesson a week not enough? Your second class


Is there a registration fee?

​Gymnastics registration fees are charged every calendar year as part of affiliation requirements, This fee must be paid to attend any gymnastics classes.

This fee currently applies only to our gymnastics programmes.


What do students bring to class? What do they wear?

  • Bring a full drink bottle, dress appropriately for the weather and the activity and bring a warm jumper.

  • Always wear clothing that is comfortable to move and go upside down in. We remove our shoes and socks at the start of class.

  • If attending a circus or aerial class, wear tights or long pants that protect the back of the knees and a fitted shirt or singlet.

  • No zippers buttons, watches dangly earrings or metal that can catch on the silks. Excessively loose or flowing clothing can get tangled in the apparatus.

  • Some classes need comfortable covered shoes and socks. To participate in unicycle, stilts or outdoor parkour activities, you’ll need to bring joggers or sneakers.

  • Gymnastics and tumbling coaches may ask students to put a jumper or loose shirt over their training clothes to assist with spotting certain skills.


What do we do when we arrive?

  • Treetop Arts is located at Burgh Healthy Hub 338a Cemetery Road Helensburgh

  • When you arrive walk your child up the ramp and into the building

  • Treetop Arts’ waiting area is to the left, behind the gym front desk

  • Please take children to use the bathroom before class- children under 12 years need to be accompanied by an adult when walking through the main gym. Treetop arts children over 12 years old will be asked to buddy up when moving through the gym to use the bathroom or fill water bottles.

  • Please store shoes and socks and other belongings in the storage cubes

  • Wait in the waiting area. Your coach will come meet you and invite students in to start class.


Can parents stay and watch?

  • Yes! It’s important to us that parents feel welcome and that students feel supported as much as they need.

  • We move around quite a bit- Parents can sit and watch their children from the waiting area, or we can provide chairs at the edge of the group fitness room. There is also limited space in the circus/aerials room to sit along the grey puzzle mats.

  • Parents should not stand on any of the carpeted acro-floor space, unless invited by a coach to assist your child.


How do I pick up my child after class?

  • Please collect your children from the waiting area

  • At the end of class, coaches bring all students back up to the waiting area

  • Take a quick moment to check in with coaches about your child’s progress

  • Check in with admin staff if you need to settle any outstanding payments

  • We will ask students not to walk out to the carpark on their own





What happens if we have overdue fees?

Participants who owe Treetop Arts funds must settle their accounts before the conclusion of the term; otherwise, Treetop Arts will decline them future bookings until their accounts are current. To avoid missing out on registrations for our classes, please make sure your fees and communications are up to date.


What happens if we miss a class?

If you are unable to attend class due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, please email to arrange a make-up lesson at a later date during the term.

When you attend a make-up class, you are attending a class on our schedule that you would not normally attend. For example, if you miss a Gymnastics REC class, you may be invited to attend a Gymnastics REC on a different day the following week in addition to your regular class. Alternatively, you may join in a similar class, such as Circus 1





What happens if my child can no longer attend a lesson?

Missed classes during the term can be made up in any of the weeks that you are enrolled for, please email If there is space in another appropriate class, we will book you in to attend a make-up class before the end of term.

What if I miss a class in week 10?

All make-up lessons have to be attended within the same term. Make-up lessons will not be carried over as a credit in the next term or converted to a refund, unless the class was cancelled unexpectedly by Treetop Arts.


If you know ahead of time that you will be away in the last week of term, please let us know by emailing If there is space in another appropriate class, we will book you in to attend a make-up class before the end of term.


If any unprecedented incident or major injury occurs that prevents students from being able to fulfill the rest of the terms paid classes, Treetop Arts will credit 50% of the remaining term fee, which will be valid for 3 months.

Holiday Workshops: What if my child can no longer attend on the day?

We are unable to give a credit or refund if you cancel on the day or book in, but your child does not attend.

Our trainers are booked in advance. We suggest that you pass your spot on to a friend.

Holiday Workshops: What if I cancel my booking with 24HRS NOTICE?
We can offer a 50% credit of the holiday workshop fee to be put towards another workshop or term classes (valid up to 3 months)

Holiday Workshops: What if I cancel my booking with 48HRS NOTICE OR MORE?
We can offer a full credit towards another workshop or term classes (valid up to 3 months)





What if my child attends more than one class per week?

Students who attend more than one class pay full price for the first class and will receive a 50% discount on their second and subsequent classes of equal or lesser value in the same term.


To claim the multi-class discount, the following terms will apply:

  • Secure your spot- payment must be made before attending your first class or a payment plan set in place;

  • Missed classes can be made up by attending an appropriate class in the same term, but will not be refunded or credited except in case of injury preventing continued attendance;

  • The discount applies only to each student individually and cannot be split across 2 or more siblings. (1 student, 2 classes = discount applied!)





I’m new to Treetop Arts and missed the start of term. Do I pay for a full term?

No sweat! As long as there is still space in one of our entry level classes, we’ll accept your child’s enrolment and only charge for the classes that you attend.


What if my child is in a selective class but can’t attend from the start of term?

Students continuing in selective classes are assumed to be returning students and will not be discounted for their absence at the start of term.

Absence from certain classes can disadvantage the student or their class-mates so we encourage a higher level of dedication.

Unless invited by Treetop Arts to join part way through the term, the following selective classes will be charged for the full term and not at a pro-rata rate:

  • Gymnastics Superstars (Level 2)

  • Gymnastics Level 3/4

  • Circus Troupe

  • Aerial 3 Competition





I’m new to Treetop Arts, can my child attend a class just try it?

Yes! You can email to book a trial lesson.

As long as there is still space in one of our entry level classes, we can book you in for just one lesson for free.

Some of our classes are very popular so don’t forget to secure your child’s place in class by booking in for the term before the class is full.


My child did a free trial, can they try out different class?

Yes! You can email to book a second trial lesson.

As long as there is still space in one of our entry level classes, we’ll book you in for just one lesson for $30.

Some of our classes are very popular so don’t forget to secure your child’s place in class by booking in for the term before the class is full.





How do I apply my Active or Creative kids voucher?
Send a screen shot of your valid voucher in an email to Please make sure to include your

  • Child's first and last name

  • Valid voucher number

  • Date of Birth




Supervision and Student to Coach Ratios

All classes for children at Treetop Arts are conducted under the supervision of at least two adults. Classes with more than 8 children enrolled are assigned a second coach to assist with accommodating a variety of levels, abilities and behavioural requirements.

Front desk staff, the head of gymnastics or the head of circus and acrobatics are strategically rostered on to provide additional support for coaches and students where support is needed or where classes might have higher attendance than usual.

Student Expectations

Coaches at Treetop Arts set expectations and boundaries at the beginning of classes.

Treetop Arts coaches use a combination of praise, point systems, sticker charts and awards to actively encourage and congratulate students for demonstrating:

  • Respectful behaviour and communication

  • Inclusive language and attitudes

  • Honesty and trustworthiness

  • Gratitude, Kindness and a general awareness of others and their own needs

  • Discipline and Grit

  • Enthusiasm


Unsafe behaviour

If a student fails to follow the set expectations or demonstrates mean-spirited behaviour, they will be given a warning and reminded of the behaviour and attitudes that are acceptable at Treetop Arts.

After being reminded up to 3 times to correct a behaviour, the student will be discretely asked to sit in a safe place at the side of class.

(3 warnings will result in a time out)

If asked to sit out, the coach will aim to direct the student to somewhere with minimal distractions, where they can still hear instructions (for beams that might be the grey chair waiting area for example)

The student will be discreetly asked to return to the group at a safe and appropriate interval between instructions/activities.

Our coaches’ goal is to improve inclusion and increase participation, so a time-out will typically end after important instructions have been given and the activity begins: in some cases, the coach will be required to discretely repeat instructions for the student who was asked to sit out.

  • Preventing others from learning safety instructions

  • Preventing others from being heard or included

  • Negative self-talk, criticising or discouraging others

  • Complaining that they do not want to be there

  • Intentionally disadvantaging another student (e.g. feinting that they are going to run in front of a trick once in progress to “psych out” the other student)

Unsafe behaviour- Escalation

Classes with more than 8 children enrolled are assigned a second coach to assist with accommodating a variety of levels, abilities and behavioural requirements. In an incident, they may step in to lead the class, allowing the first coach to discretely address the distressed child. Front desk staff, the head of gymnastics or the head of circus and acrobatics are strategically rostered on to provide additional support for coaches and students where needed.

Examples of unacceptable student behaviours include (but are not limited to):

  • Disregarding coach’s instructions

  • Actions resulting in destruction of or damage to equipment

  • Physical violence toward others or themselves

  • Profanity, threats, or abusive language towards others

If Treetop Arts coaches or management observe that a student’s behaviour creates an unsafe environment, Treetop Arts coaches and staff are obligated to call the students parent to send the student home without warning, and no reimbursement will be issued.

In more serious cases, or where Treetop Arts coaches or management determine that a student’s behaviour is consistently contributing to an unsafe space, a decision will be made to cease or suspend the student’s attendance at Treetop Arts. The director will invite the student’s parents to meet with them and to co-devise or re-develop a behaviour management plan before accepting future enrolment in a Treetop Arts programme.

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